Laying foundations for children and families to build a stronger community
Laying foundations forchildren and families tobuild a stronger community

Laying foundations for children and families to build a stronger community


“I create a link between home and Nursery life, offering

support and sharing concerns and achievements with

both your Child and your family”

Each Child has a designated Family Key Person who will spend time building secure relationships with you and your Child, although the care of your Child is the responsibility of all staff on a daily basis. The Family Key Person is responsible for maintaining your Child’s Learning Journal and ensuring that interests and individual needs are met. We encourage regular liaison with your Family’s Key Person on an informal basis and also a formal basis through parent consultation evenings.

It may be necessary to change your Family’s Key Person, during your Child’s time in the Nursery.

Would you like to learn more about our approach?

Please contact us on 01293 522030 or use our contact form.

Our Values

Our approach is built around a set of core values that we promote withing the management team and expect our staffing team to share and promote. Children learn by wathcing adults and peers, so it is important we have a value system that everyone shares.



Our sessions are full of love and laughter



Everyone has the same opportunities



We learn to do the right thing and make the right choices

Ofsted Registration

no EY462035

We're here for you:


01293 522030


Opening hours


Monday to Friday

(Sessional Care available)


Bewbush Community Nursery C.I.C.
Crawley Bewbush Family Hub

Dorsten Square



West Sussex

RH11 8XW

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© Bewbush Community Nursery CIC