Laying foundations for children and families to build a stronger community
Laying foundations forchildren and families tobuild a stronger community

What happens if my child is ill?

It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. For a speedy recovery and to prevent the other children from falling ill, children who are unwell must stay at home. Children suffering from sickness or diahorrea must remain at home for 48hrs after the last bout, to avoid the spread of infection. We ask that you inform us by telephone if your Child is unwell and unable to attend their session. This allows us to monitor any infections in the Nursery. We ask you inform us if you, your child or anyone in your household has symptoms of Covid, or if you, your child or anyone in your household has been in contact with anyone who has Covid symptoms or has tested positive for Covid. We are doing our utmost to keep our staff, your child, and both the staff and your children's families as safe as possible. In order for us to do so we are reliant on you playing your part in following government guidance and not mixing with anyone outside of your household, or putting yourselves, your child and therefore our staff at any unnecessary risk. Families believed to be not following guidance will be asked to stay home and isolate for 10 days. 

Ofsted Registration

no EY462035

We're here for you:


01293 522030


Opening hours


Monday to Friday

(Sessional Care available)


Bewbush Community Nursery C.I.C.
Bewbush Childrens & Family Centre

Dorsten Square



West Sussex

RH11 8XW

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